Is CBD Legal

Is CBD Legal

Is CBD Legal

No doubt, last year (2020) has been filled with progress and accomplishments – but in 2021, the most central question remains amongst many individuals: “Is CBD Legal?”

In straightforward terms, Yes,  but remember under particular conditions. 

While the legal status of CBD has become more stated with recent reforms, several laws are still unclear & others may yet be required! Folks usually combine with misinformation; many may have stuck to a skewed understanding of what is legal VS What is not!

If you want to know about the legality of CBD, then you reached the right platform! Simply read out the latest CBD laws and make sure that you’re enjoying the benefits of CBD safely and legally. 

Is CBD Legal? The Legal Status of CBD:

Is it in all 50 states? It simply depends.

Remember that the legality of CBD can vary from state to state and even federally, but in general – one of the most determining factors is whether the CBD is derived from hemp or marijuana. 

 While no doubt, the two plants are very close relatives, they both classified very differently under the law – and even it is essential to understand the difference between using CBD legally.

The Legality of Hemp VS Marijuana Is CBD Legal:

Both Hemp and Marijuana are referred to as the terms used to describe the different varieties of Cannabis, and they can produce an abundance of CBD. 

Since both are the same family members, hemp and marijuana share several visual similarities, but at a chemical level – these two plants have vastly different amounts of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) intoxicating compound found in Cannabis. 

Remember that hemp is characterized by producing a nearly non-existent amount of THC that is less than 0.3%, – while marijuana only can grow an abundance of THC (up to 30%). 

  • So, just because of its high THC-content – marijuana may induce severe mind-alerting effects when consumed – and even becomes federally illegal in the US and different other countries.

Well, you come to know the legality of the two primary sources of CBD! Now, it’s time to explore CBD laws derived from hemp vs. CBD derived from marijuana and even how the laws vary from state to state. 

Is Hemp DerivedIs Is CBD Legal?

For instant answer: Hemp-derived as long as it is produced within the regulations, defined by the law.

In 2018, President Trump passed the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (also referred to as the 2018 Farm Bill) – which simply removed hemp as a Schedule I substance and even reclassified it as an “agricultural commodity.”

A most common misconception about the 2018 Farm Bill is that it legalized CBD regardless of it has been derived from hemp or marijuana – this is not true!

CBD is a Schedule I substance and is illegal (based on the guidance of the DEA). 

However, if the  is extracted from hemp and even adheres to the given set of regulations forth in the new farm bill, then it is removed as a Schedule I substance and

  • Hemp must consist of less than 0.3% THC
  • The hemp should adhere to the shared state-federal regulations.
  • Hemp should be grown by an adequately licensed grower.

Additionally, the Farm Bill (2018) also removed restrictions on the sale, transportation, and possession of hemp-derived CBD products – and even allowed form the vehicle of hemp-derived CBD products across state lines as long as the products stick to the regulations stated above. 

Is Marijuana-Derived Is CBD Legal?

Remember that hemp-derived is federally as long as it adheres to the law, but it is a bit more complicated as it is extracted from an illegal plant. 

In only a few states, including California and Colorado, marijuana is said to be for recreational usage, and naturally, so is marijuana-derived. Different others enable marijuana-derived CBD usage under specific conditions, including one particular medical condition, and some states strictly prohibit it. 

Read on to get a detailed list of which states allow marijuana-derived CBD for recreational use or medicinal use, and even the states that strictly prohibit it.

Swipe down!

CBD Laws By State Is CBD Legal:


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: 


  • Hemp that sourced :
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 



  • Hemp-sourced
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: UNCLEAR
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only:
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: California:
  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use:


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use:


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only:
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use:
  • Florida:
  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 
  • Idaho:
  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use:Indiana:
  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only:
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use:


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced for medical use only:
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use:


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced 
  • Marijuana that sourced  for medical use only: 
  • Marijuana that sourced for recreational use: 


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: LEGAL

New Hampshire:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

New Jersey:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

New Mexico:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

New York:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

North Carolina:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

North Dakota:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: LEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

Rhode Island:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

South Carolina:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

South Dakota: T

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: ILLEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: LEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: LEGAL

Washington, D.C.:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: LEGAL

West Virginia:

  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL


  • Hemp-sourced CBD: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for medical use only: LEGAL
  • Marijuana that sourced CBD for recreational use: ILLEGAL

In Wyoming, both recreational and medical use of marijuana remains illegal. However, in 2015, the state passed legislation allowing CBD hemp extract (0.3% THC or less, with 5% or more CBD) – to be prescribed to treat patients prone to intractable epilepsy (HB 32).

How CBD works?

Remember that all cannabinoids produce effects in the human body by interacting with cannabinoid receptors that form part of the endocannabinoid system.

The body produces two receptors, such as:

  • CB1 receptors are present throughout the body, and specifically in the brain. The receptors co-ordinate movement, emotion, mood, thinking, memories, appetite, and several other functions. 
  • CB2 receptors are referred to as the receptors that are more common in the immune system. They simply affect inflammation and pain.
  • Remember that THC attaches to CB1 receptors – but CBD stimulates the receptors, so with this, the body generates its cannabinoids, known as endocannabinoids.

CBD Benefits:

CBD may benefit an individual’s health in several ways:

A 2018 study depicted reasons for taking CBD oil include:

  • chronic pain
  • arthritis or joint pain
  • anxiety and depression
  • sleep disorder
  • migraine
  • cluster and other headaches
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • nausea
  • cancer
  • allergies or asthma
  • epilepsy and other seizure disorders
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • lung conditions
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease


Risks and side effects:

Well, CBD use may entail some risks – it may interact with some supplements and other drugs. Remember that most CBD products do not have FDA approval, which indicates they haven’t undergone thorough tests.  Hemp Oil Versus CBD Oil

It is not at all possible to know if a product:

  • It is safe and even useful for everybody to use
  • Has its properties or contents stated on the packaging

Note: Individual who uses CBD – it doesn’t matter whether it is a prescription drug or in other forms; he/she should first consult a MEDICAL EXPERT!

Possible adverse effects include:

  • liver damage
  • interactions with alcohol and other drugs
  • changes in alertness that can make driving dangerous
  • gastrointestinal problems and loss of appetite
  • mood changes, including irritability and irritation
  • a reduction in fertility for males

Further research may prove that CBD effective in treating various conditions. However, the FDA urges individuals not to depend on CBD as an alternative to conventional medical care.

During pregnancy:

Experts revealed that using marijuana during pregnancy may affect the fetal development of neurons. Regular use of CBD among teens is associated with an issue concerning behavior, memory, and intelligence. 

The FDA recommends people not to use CBD during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. 

How to use CBD?

There are several ways of using CBD oil. However, these aren’t the same as using or smoking whole cannabis. 

If a doctor prescribes CBD for epilepsy, it is crucial to follow their instructions.

Ways of using CBD products include:

  • you can mix them into food or drink
  • You can take them with a pipette or dropper.
  • Swallowing capsules
  • By massaging a paste into the skin
  • Spraying it under the tongue

Remember that recommended dosages vary between individuals and based on factors such as:

  • body weight
  • the concentration of the product
  • the reason for using CBD

Best CBD Products:

There are great CBD products available on the market. Here we are going to tell you the different CBD products that people may wish to try. 

Charlotte’s Web CBD oil:

Charlotte’s Web CBD oils are a formulation that is packed of full-spectrum hemp-extracted. Since it comes with full-spectrum, this means it consists of all the cannabinoids (including up to 0.3% THC), terpenes, and oils in the cannabis plant. 

The manufacturer reveals they designed their CBD oil to maintain a calm, focused, and healthful sleep. Also, they state that it is highly effective for recovery from exercise-induced inflammation. 

Well, these oils are available in a variety of strengths – ranging from 210 milligrams (mg) to 1,800 mg per 30-milliliter bottle. You can get CBD oil in the following four flavors: 

  • lemon twist
  • mint chocolate
  • orange blossom
  • olive oil

Sunday Scaries CBD gummies:

Sunday Scaries CBD gummies consist of broad-spectrum CBD. This means that it consists of all the compounds in the cannabis plant except THC. However, only some of the products consist of trace quantities of THC.

Additionally, the gummies consist of vitamins B12 and D3. Also, you people can choose either gelatin-based or vegan gummies. Each gummy consists of 10 mg of CBD. The manufacturer recommends taking two or three gummies as necessary. 

Joy Organics CBD Softgels with Curcumin: t

These soft gels consist of 25 mg of CBD per serving, with 30 soft gels in each bottle.

The company state that soft gels are specifically designed to support joint health. As both CBD and curcumin possess anti-inflammatory properties, these Joy Organics softgels may be useful for individuals with inflammatory pain.

The capsules are made from bovine gelatin, which clearly indicates that they are not suitable for vegans or vegetarians.

CBDistillery CBDol Topical Salve:

This product is packed with a combination of 500 mg of full-spectrum CBD, essential oils, and botanical extracts. The manufacturers suggest that it may be beneficial for relieving localized muscle pain. They reveal that their products from non-GMO hemp through natural farming practices.

Social Rest CBD Body Lotion:

This body lotion consists of 300 mg of CBD, along with essential oils, such as chamomile and bergamot, to offer a calming sensation. Also, the manufacturer claims that the lotion is non-greasy, non-sticky, and fast-absorbing.

The CBD body lotion also consists of the following:

  • magnesium
  • arnica
  • shea butter
  • coconut oil
  • argan-oil

Moon Mother Hemp Company Massage Oil:

This product is packed with a combination of 500 mg full-spectrum CBD with only two other ingredients: jojoba oil and lavender essential oil. The company suggests that the elements work together to soothe both the skin and muscles and provide overall body balance.


The manufacturer states that they use 100% organic ingredients and even their products are not only 100% organic but also cruel and gluten-free. The company also commits to sustainable farming practices and even uses its hemp to produce the oils.

Best CBD Beauty Products:

Read on:

Lord Jones High CBD Formula Body Lotion:


  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Lab-tested
  • The No THC
  • They No parabens
  • Then No phthalates
  • No formaldehyde and synthetic dyes
  • Cruelty-free


  • None

The CBD Skincare Co. CBD Infused Exfoliating Cleanser:


  • Contains essential oils
  • Organic
  • Contains THC (less than 0.3%)


  • Expensive

Populum Full Spectrum Hemp Oil:


  • For oral and topical use
  • Gets absorbed easily
  • Instant cooling effect


  • Contains THC
  • Expensive

I Pekar Tissue Repair Serum Infused With CBD Oil:


  • 100% natural and organic ingredients
  • Gluten-free
  • Not tested on animals
  • 100% recyclable packaging


  • Contains THC (less than 0.3%)

Isodiol CannaCeuticals CBD7 Repairing Night Cream:


  • THC-free
  • Contains hyaluronic acid


  • Expensive

Kana Lavender Hemp Sleeping Mask:


  • Contains hyaluronic acid
  • Contains organic hemp-derived CBD
  • Gel-based formula
  • Easily to apply


  • Expensive

CBD For Life Pure CBD Eye Serum:


  • 95% naturally derived
  • The parabens
  • The artificial color
  • Which No formaldehyde
  • No phthalates
  • No GMOs
  • Not tested on animals


  • None

Charlotte’s Web Hemp Infused Cream:


  • Contains botanical extracts
  • No synthetic fragrances
  • Gluten-free
  • Cruelty-free
  • BPA-free packaging


  • None

Cannuka CBD Calming Eye Balm:


  • 99.7% pure
  • Cruelty-free (PETA certified)


  • None

Shea Honey Oatmeal CBD Infused Body Bar:


  • Contains lab-tested CBD oil
  • Organic ingredients
  • No synthetic chemicals


  • None

Legal Disclaimer:

Remember that the information contained on this page is based entirely on independent research. All the content on this page was created to entertain and engage our audience and should not be considered for any other purpose.  For your safety, protection, and well-being, we highly recommend you not use this information to make any decision or take any action related to CBD LAW or usage!