What is Hemp? What should I know about this plant?

What is Hemp

What is Hemp?

A loyal base for the cultivation of cannabis plants and CBD products’ production is a little-known plant with many advantages. Simple to grow, requiring little “maintenance,” is a plant that brings its share of benefits for the body. However, despite these obvious positive points, the cultivation remains very regulated, and its use is strictly regulated. We invite you to discover a plant in more detail, What Hemp is through its history, its variations, and its limits, in the rest of this complete guide on and cannabidiol.

A short history of the hemp plant

– Hemp, a thousand

– year-old history – An essential plant for societies

Cultivation of hemp

– How is hemp grown?

– Beware of parasites and pests

– Red spiders, caterpillars, aphids: what threat to hemp?

What are the benefits of hemp?

– What are the contributions of the hemp seed?

– The natural benefits of hemp

Hemp, the basis of CBD products

– Which CBD product to choose from?

– How to consume hemp

– What are the effects of CBD products

Hemp in France and Europe

– Hemp in France, a history that dates back

– Cannabis Sativa, a crop of the future?

– Update on hemp cultivation in France

– After hemp, therapeutic cannabis?

– What is France’s interest in hemp?

– Hemp, a plant with ecological virtues

– In France, hemp faces some

GreenOwl barriers and hemp products

history of hemp 

A little history of the hemp plant

Hemp, a thousand-year-old history

As unbelievable as it may sound, it is a variety that enjoys a special place in our history: it is quite simply one of the first that we have been able to master. For example, did you know that from the Neolithic Age (-6000 to -2000 BC), humans cultivated cannabis Sativa on the Asian continent? Considered to be quite simple to manage, it then accompanies explorers worldwide and is gradually found disseminated throughout the planet. 

Evolution means that at the beginning of the 6th century, the plant becomes one of the economy’s pillars. It is used as a textile and is used to make clothes. Why has CBD oil become so popular? The fibers of the plant are robust, flexible. Therefore, it is the perfect raw material for clothing. The use of textile continues, and in the Middle Ages, it was the great lords who benefited from it in Europe. But this plant is proving more useful than expected. Gutenberg is credited with the use of paper to carry out the first impression in 1450.

Hemp, an essential plant for societies

In some populations, hemp is also seen as an essential tool for a funeral rite. Indeed, whether in ancient China or even in Russia was a time, it was burned during funeral ceremonies. This then allowed the living to come into contact with the deceased loved one. Hemp has enjoyed an important place in society for several centuries.

Simple to grow, accessible, it abounds and grows almost everywhere. Despite everything, the arrival of cotton and excessive industrialization lead to its fall. These fibers are also used to make heavy-duty ropes and ropes. With the navy and the development of international trade, fiber is booming with rope manufacture for ships.

Hemp Plant

Hemp cultivation

How to grow hemp?

As we have seen, growing hemp or cannabis Sativa is relatively easy, with sowing made between March and April. A few months later, harvesting occurs between September and October, with a substantial growth period between June and August. Hemp requires little water and therefore does not need to be monitored continuously, although, of course, you have to be careful of pests and predators. Another interesting point in its culture feeds itself, sometimes diving up to 2 meters deep to find the necessary nutrients for its proper development. On the surface, the plant can reach 3 meters high. 

On The Surface

However, all is not all rosy, and certain constraints must be taken into account. Within the European Union, it is not possible to grow just any variety of. Only around thirty different types are authorized for production, which only has less than 0.2% THC contents. The second point to take into account, the harvest. Today, these are made more straightforward thanks to more robust and productive tools. However, the fibers of the plant are robust. They are brought to seize in the cogs of a machine and cause some very unpleasant mechanical problems and the destruction of kilograms.

Watch out for parasites and pests.

Unfortunately, like all plants, it is not impervious to pests and pests. Some, like the leafminer, can damage a plantation. These flies lay their eggs in the leaves of the plant. The larvae come out and feed, dig small galleries within these same leaves. These tunnels are visible to the naked eye since short brown lines appear on the leaves’ surface. The larvae must then be removed before they damage the plants a little too much. To do this, two techniques: by hand, by following the trails, or using an insecticide.

Red spiders, caterpillars, aphids: what threat to hemp?

Another threat is that represented by red spiders. These arachnids suck the sap from the leaves of the plant until complete devitalization. In groups, these spiders can go as far as destroying an entire plantation in the space of one evening. We recognize its passage thanks to the white marks it leaves on the leaves. 

These two pests are not the only ones targeting. Caterpillars or aphids seriously damage plants. It is also interesting to note that thrips or whiteflies can also destroy plantations. Some worms, like the nematode, are also responsible for destroying kilograms of plants. In other words, you have to pay special attention to your plants to ensure that they can grow in excellent conditions.

What are the benefits of hemp oil?

The Cbd C Is What

Study of the natural benefits of hemp oil

Hemp (Cannabis Sativa) is a plant with multiple properties. Indeed, it is relatively rich in vitamin E, a vitamin with antioxidant power. Hemp is so rich that a single tablespoon of its oil provides the body with its recommended daily intake! 

But what is this vitamin E for, exactly? 

Vitamin E helps fight against the proliferation of free radicals, a factor of stress, anxiety, and increased aging of some human cells. Finally, a regular supply of vitamin E can considerably reduce the risks associated with certain diseases, such as prostate cancer.

What are the benefits of hempseed?

Hemp oil, made from the seed of hemp, the grain, is also rich in protein. Indeed, the chénevis which compose it contain up to 30% of vegetable proteins. These proteins contain eight essential amino acids, which are not produced by the body but need. Usually, these amino acids are supplied by the foods we eat. Hemp oil, therefore, makes it possible to fill certain deficiencies.

However, hemp-based oils’ action does not stop at this single supply of vitamin E and protein. Seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, as well as omega 3 and 6. These omegas make it possible to fight more effectively against bad cholesterol. Simultaneously, it may help strengthen the immune system and reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular disease development. These hemp seeds are full of benefits.


Cannabis CBD terpenes

Hemp, the basis of CBD products

Hemp is also found in cannabidiol products. These are products containing cannabidiol, a molecule that we see in the cannabis plant or the plant. CBD products’ consumption does not have any psychotropic effects, unlike THC, the active agent in cannabis. 

As such, cannabidiol is not on the government’s list of narcotics. Its sale, purchase, and consumption are authorized provided that the finished product has only a low concentration of THC, less than 0.2%. This question is governed in France by article R.5132-86 of the Public Health Code.

Which CBD product to choose from?

Another point that should be emphasized is that this cannabinoid consumption does not cause any severe side effects. However, certain disturbances, such as nausea or even dizziness or diarrhea, may occur in the event of overconsumption. It is, therefore, necessary to pay special attention to how it consumes.

Indeed, it recommends consuming CBD gradually, starting with small doses, before increasing them gradually. It is also widely recognized in beauty and cosmetics for its benefits on skin and skin diseases. The cannabidiol in products is increasingly in demand by the stars.

How to consume hemp?

CBD products come in many forms, starting with  CBD oils. These are taken sublingually, CBD oil for pain, and how to use it by placing two or three drops under the tongue. The sublingual effects are quick to appear, between 5 and 20 minutes, for 2 to 3 hours. Cannabidiol is also available on our platform as a  flower. These flowers consume by infusion, by ingestion, or by vaporization. There are also products in the form of e-liquid to vaporize one’s e-cigarettes discreetly or in the form of cosmetics.

There are multiple ways to consume CBD, although not all of them have similar effectiveness or action times. Indeed, the effects will be declared more quickly by the sublingual route than by ingestion because the CBD does not go through the digestion box. Finally, the issue of security is essential. Indeed, consumption by combustion (smoking a joint with grams of flowers) implies that the lungs are directly targeted. In the long term, this way of consuming promotes severe pathologies, such as lung cancer. However, the derived products can be consumed discreetly, regularly, without causing severe side effects.

What are the effects of CBD products?

Oils,  flowers, e-liquids or cosmetics, hemp-based products have several effects on the body, starting with effects against stress and, more generally, anxiety and even depression. You can find more information in our blog post on the results of CBD.

The prohibition of Cbd Jugee Illegale by the Cue 3

Hemp, in France and Europe

The world is currently facing an unprecedented economic and health crisis. Businesses are closing, the disease is slowing the economy, and citizens’ morale is at an all-time low. It is therefore essential to find new opportunities. Several support and recovery plans have been announced by the Ministries of Labor or the Economy. However, one subject is rarely mentioned: that of agriculture.

What a pity when we know that industrial cultivation could open new doors, provided it is more flexible. With a little more openness, the cannabis Sativa sector could pull the economy up and offer new prospects, especially as the country is the second-largest producer of industrial in the world, behind China. Despite everything, nothing helps. The barriers are still numerous.

France and hemp, a history that dates back

In France, we are facing a situation that is both unusual and paradoxical. Indeed, the country is the second-largest producer in the world, behind China. However, many hemp-based products prohibit production and consumption. Likewise, some parts of the prohibit for use, such as flowers. With us, only the stems are kept. Everything else is thrown away.

Recreational Hemp

But why? The government is trying to make us understand the difference between industrial hemp and recreational hemp. Industrial concerns the different parts used for industry, such as stems. The government considers flowers to be recreational—however, the THC contents of authorized varieties less than 0.2%, which the legally authorized rate.

Cannabis Sativa, a culture of the future?

A difficult situation to understand, especially when studying this plant’s history in France, is that it has a special place. Indeed, from the 19th century, the country had up to 3,000,000 hectares of this same plant. Even more incredible, Marseille’s port considers one of the main channels for the hemp trade in the world for a few years.

Unfortunately, the industrialization observed in the 20th century will get the better of hemp, which gradually put aside to the point that its production plummets. In recent years, there has been a reasonably apparent resurgence of interest in this plant. In 2017 with nearly 17,000 hectares of hemp crops in France for a little over 33,000 hectares in Europe.

Update on hemp cultivation in France

In France, the industrial cultivation of hemp direct governed by European legislation. European law therefore prevails. No question, hence, of cultivating hemp that does not respect the ruling. Among the rules to follow: a few dozen varieties allow all to contain less than 0.2% THC. Likewise, the authorized hemp must be of European origin. Growing American hemp therefore excluded!

After hemp, therapeutic cannabis?

Today, the hemp sector in France represents 1,538 jobs. But with incredible development possibilities, can this sector and that of cannabidiol make it possible to envisage new opportunities? From an economic point of view, the answer is yes. Indeed, the French market still too constrains and is not exploiting its full potential, far from it.

From a social point of view, however, the situation is different. The debate around the decriminalization of therapeutic cannabis has only just begun. The ANSM has confirmed that by March 2021, the significant consultation around the use of medical cannabis could finally start. Finally, more and more people want to turn to natural therapeutic solutions. Hemp, cannabis could help. 

What is France’s interest in hemp?

Hemp is so essential for France that the country is one of the significant engines of its culture. Indeed, this is an economical, ecological, and practical engine. First of all, from an economic point of view, the yield of a single ton of hemp is relatively impressive. Indeed, it resells on average, between 800 and 1,000 euros. In comparison, a ton of straw sells for around 130 euros. The economic interest is therefore much more interesting to generate new income or higher income.

Hemp, a plant with ecological virtues

From an ecological perspective, it is a plant that does not need a lot of attention. CBD for anxiety what to realize As we have seen, hemp does not need water between June and August. Likewise, it does not require any chemicals to grow.

But that’s not all. Indeed, hemp (cannabis Sativa):

It makes soils more fertile. Straw can then plant for evermore attractive yields.

Hemp seed (hemp seed) can use for seedlings to feed animals and, in turn, humans, who benefit from more organic material.

Hemp is also available on our plates in the form of oil.

The cannabis plant Sativa use in the textile industry to make clothes or even sheets, as we have seen.

The building industry also benefits from the plant’s peculiarities, between the development of eco-construction and concrete walls.

You will understand,  is a plant of which all the components can serve various interests.

In France, hemp faces a few barriers.

However, in France, cultivation comes up against a few barriers. Indeed, successive governments do not seem to be in favor of a total opening up of production. Although it is already acting as a European leader, France could do much more in  ​​hemp and legal cannabis. Indeed, cannabidiol or even therapeutic cannabis is not yet authorized.

Therefore, the production of hemp or cannabis flowers could be exponential from the moment when policies open to debate. However, the situation seems to be changing. During the year, elected officials anxious to see the sector grow called on the executive to review its position. Looking more closely, we can see that would generate some 80,000 additional jobs and bring in nearly 3 billion euros to the State per year.