The difference between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park

Wildlife is the primary natural heritage of the world. Continuous industrialization and deforestation posed a threat to wildlife extinction.The difference between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park So, for the preservation and preservation of the country’s natural heritage

Continuous industrialization and deforestation posed a threat to wildlife extinction. So, for the preservation and preservation of the natural heritage in the country, there are reserves, protected reserves, a national park, biosphere reserves, etc. Wildlife sanctuaries refer to an area that provides wildlife protection and favorable living conditions.

On the other hand, the national park provides protection to the entire set of ecosystems, ie. flora, fauna, landscape, etc. in that region. Finally, biosphere reserves protect areas that strive to preserve the genetic diversity of plants, birds, etc.

An excerpt from the article tries to clarify the difference between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park, so read on.

Comparison table

Basis for comparison Animal reserve National park
Meaning A wildlife shelter is a natural habitat owned by a government or private agency that protects certain species of birds and animals. The national park is a protected area established by the government to preserve wildlife and its development.
Preserve Animals, birds, insects, reptiles, etc. Flora, fauna, landscape, historical objects, etc.
objective To ensure that a sustainable wildlife population and their habitats maintain. For the protection of natural and historical buildings and wildlife in an area.
Restriction Restrictions are less and it is open to the public. Highly restricted, accidental access to people is not allowed.
Official permit Not mandatory Required
Borders It is not fix Corrected by legislation
Human activity Allowed but to a certain extent. Not allowed at all.

Definition of wildlife reserves

As the name suggests, a wildlife sanctuary is a place reserved exclusively for the use of wildlife, which includes animals, reptiles, insects, birds, etc. wild animals are particularly endangered and rare so that they can live peacefully all their lives and maintain their sustainable population.

Guardians of guards patrolling the region have appoint for the proper management of the sanctuary. They ensure the safety of animals, from poaching, grabbing, or harassment.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature, briefly called IUCN, has grouped wildlife sanctuaries into Category IV protected areas.

Definition of a national park

A national park is an area designated exclusively by the government for wildlife conservation and biodiversity due to its nature. Cultural, and historical significance. It is home to millions of animals, birds, insects, microorganisms, etc. Different genres and types, giving them a healthy and safe environment.

National parks not only preserve the wilderness but also entertain the environment and the picturesque heritage, in a way and in ways that do them no harm, in order to provide pleasure to future generations. Plantation, breeding, grazing, hunting, and handing over animals, destruction of flowers are extremely forbidden.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared national parks in category II protected areas. An official permit from the competent authorities is required to visit national parks.

Key differences between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park

The points below explain the difference between a wildlife sanctuary and a national park:

  1. A wildlife shelter can be understood as a region where wild animals and their habitats are protected from any disturbances. In contrast, a national park is an area of ​​a village specifically designated for wildlife.Where they can live freely and use natural resources.
  2. Wildlife refuges are known for wildlife conservation, which includes animals, insects, microorganisms, birds, etc. Different genres and types. On the other hand, national parks are very famous for preserving flora, fauna, landscape, and historical buildings.
  3. Wildlife shelters aim to ensure the maintenance of a significant wildlife population and their habitats. In contrast, national parks preserve the region’s ecological, scenic and cultural heritage.
  4. When it comes to restrictions. National parks high restrict areas that are not open to all people. While wildlife refuges have fewer restrictions than national parks.
  5. An official permit from the necessary authorities is required to visit national parks. In contrast, we must not take an official permit to visit a wildlife sanctuary.
  6. The boundaries of wildlife refuges are not sacrosanct. However, national parks have clearly marked boundaries.
  7. Human activities are allowed to a limited extent in wildlife sanctuaries. But in the case of national parks, the authorities strictly prohibit them.


Shrines and national parks are favorite tourist destinations for nature lovers. Most national parks were initially wildlife reserves. Which were then upgraded to national parks.

India adopted the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, with the aim of providing protection to endangered species, as well as expanding the area of ​​state protection, ie. National parks.

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